Our Case Featured in NYC Public Defender’s Newsletter

Martin + Colin, P.C. is pleased to announce that our appeal was featured prominently in the April Newsletter of New York City’s largest public defenders office, i.e., the Legal Aid Society. – April 2013

Our case was featured.  Very nice!

2013-4-9 LAS Newsletter












Some of the appellate court’s opinion:

  • Here, contrary to the mother’s contention, the Family Court properly found that she neglected the subject children. The evidence at the fact-finding hearing established, inter alia, that the mother exhibited erratic behavior which included leaving the subject child A., who was then 16 years old, home alone while she traveled to North Carolina with the subject child B., without knowing how long she would be away, without a place to stay, and without sufficient funds to return home. Prior to leaving, the mother told A. that she had to leave because “the government was going to kill her.” While in North Carolina, the mother refused to seek medical treatment for B., who had hurt himself, resulting in a report from the Central Register of Child Abuse and Maltreatment of the New York State Office of Children and Family Services.
  • In addition, A. testified that, in traveling to North Carolina, the mother spent the money that was supposed to be for school clothing, transportation, and supplies for A. and B. Further, the child protective services caseworker testified that the mother believed that people were out to kill her, and that the mother said that her sister-in-law had put out a hit on her, that she was on “the terrorist list,” and that the CIA was out to get her. The mother indicated that she was “tired of living this life where people are constantly after her.” A. told the caseworker that as a result of the mother’s fear of the neighborhood in which she lived and “constantly thinking someone’s out to get her,” the mother “wastes the money on going [to] motels.

With any family law matter, the experienced trial lawyers at Martin + Colin, P.C. are here to help.  Please call us at (914) 771 7711 to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced Family Law attorneys.